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Terms of Service


There are no restrictions between services offered to West Warwick residents and all other.

Basic library services are free for all regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or political views.

Services include physical access, owning a library card, access to databases, checkout of materials, informational assistance, and access to technology.

The library promises assurance of confidentiality.

The library promises to remain safe, clean, and ADA-accessible for everyone

Patrons will be treated with prompt, courteous service from trained staff.

The library will stock itself with relevant, current materials that represent a wide variety of views.

Patrons will have access to educational, recreational programs for all interests and demographics.

The library will always remain forward-thinking and embrace new technologies and means to deliver information, programs, and services.


A patron visiting the library or attending a library program whether in-person or through digital presence will conduct themselves in a way that is respectful of those around them and the library setting.

Patron behavior that is disruptive with intent to annoy, harass, violate privacy, or interfere with others experience or a staff member's ability to perform job duties will result in a verbal warning, followed by a request to vacate the building. Police will be called if this request is ignored. A five day suspension from the library property and services will follow repeated bad behavior, with a prolonged or permanent suspension as decided by the Director.

All warnings and actions are documented.

If a patron's actions are threatening, police are called immediately.

A minor (under 18 years of age) evicted from the building more than twice, or whose actions resulted in police intervention, must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to return.

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