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Summer Reading 2024
June 27th - August 12th
What is the Summer Reading Program?
This program is for kids and teens of all ages to keep up their learning and reading during the summer by encouraging them to explore their interests, participate in fun educational programs, and earn prizes. Prizes include weekly raffles for participation (more details below) and prizes for specific tasks such as the amount of reading done or activities completed. This year the first 300 kids and teens participating will get a book bag and collect badges for their bag to demonstrate their progress in the program. The more you do the more you earn, the more you earn, the more you learn!
FREE Lunch
Every Monday through Friday
12:00 PM noon until 1:00 PM
June 24 - August 16 (excluding holidays)
Kids and teens can get a FREE healthy meal at the library - no questions asked.
Meals can be eaten inside or outside on library premises. We are not providing meals to-go.
Each meal has an entrée, fruit or vegetables, juice or milk, and snack items.
The Full Menu will be available to pick up in the youth dept.
Register for Summer Reading and events starting Monday, June 24th!
This year, summer readers will have a choice between logging their reading and activities online/via the app or on paper.
To register for the online program, click here!
NOTE: When logging your reading on Beanstack, please choose to log Books for Babies-Preschool and Minutes for K-12th graders.
We have dozens of fun activities
and events planned for the
2024 Summer Reading Program!
Stay in the loop with this
handy brochure.